When speculation becomes the dominant modality of contemporary capitalism, what happens to speculative fiction? 2001Post-Politics in Context.Book As disciplines, Politics and International Relations remain dominated by ideas drawn from traditions of liberal internationalism and political realism in which political...Read more2022Avengers’ anti-Oedipal endgame (co-authored with Erdogan H. Sima)Journal of Social Theory How do we deal with the inescapability of the political present? In making sense of an all too binding temporality such as the Anthropocene, we seem to find a standpoint in...Read more2022The biopolitical economy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possibilities for an affirmative biopoliticsJournal of Social Theory, 23:2-3, 274-287 The purpose of this article is in threefold. First, it focuses on the workings and operations of the biopolitical economy. Second, it explores how the pandemic has exposed...Read more2021Thanatopolitics and colonial logics in Blade Runner 2049Thesis Eleven, 166(1), 109–117 This article critically engages with Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049, focusing on the relationship between colonial logics and biological engineering that understands...Read more2021Neoliberalizmin Politik Tahayyülü: Serbest Piyasanin “Büyüsü”FLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 225-240 Neoliberal tahayyül nedir ve onu oluşturan temel özellikler nelerdir? Neoliberal tahayyül alternatif gelecek tasarımlarının önünü nasıl kapatır? Bu makale,...Read more2020Thoughts Interlinked: Corporate Imaginaries and Post-Capitalist Futures in Blade Runner 2049Critique, 48:1, 113-119, It’s impossible to discuss the recent Blade Runner 2049 without touching on its dystopian aesthetics. The film is a contradiction of fascinating aesthetics within a world...Read more2020Crossing the European boundary: The conjoined figures of colonizer and migrant in Zama (Martel, 2017) and The Other Side of Hope (Kaurismäki, 2017) (co-authored with Erdogan H. Sima)Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 25 – 38 Caught between the seemingly contradictory imageries of particularity and universality, 'European identity' could in fact be presumed but as a shorthand for ontological...Read more2020The Biopolitics of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Herd Immunity, Thanatopolitics, Acts of Heroism (co-authored with Christina Banalopoulou)A Rethinking Marxism Dossier: Pandemic and the Crisis of Capitalism, 146-153. The coronavirus pandemic offers a rare opportunity to critique the biopolitical argument and a chance to reveal the life-and-death nexus, which is often clandestine in its...Read more2019In pursuit of the neoliberal subject (co-authored with Erdogan H. Sima)New Political Science, 41:1, 149-152, The possibility that a critical approach is grounded in what it critically approaches is indeed a paradox only a few would acknowledge, and certainly not as loudly as Derrida...Read more2018Global powers of horror: Security, politics, and the body in piecesContemporary Political Theory 17, 193–196. Much has been written about extreme violence against individuals and their bodies from the perspective of ‘biopolitics’. According to Foucault, biopolitics emerges when...Read more2017Under Siege: Neo-Liberalism and the Militarisation of Public SpaceIn The Transformation of Public Sphere, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 49-62, Georg Simmel, perhaps still the theorist of urban experience, argues in The Stranger (1971) that society is not an external object that precedes the constellation of...Read more2016‘There Is Another Turkey out There’: The Gezi Revolt as an EventThird Text, 30(1-2), 138-146 Read more2016Saló: Politik Bir Aygıt Olarak İşkenceFLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21: 17-30. Bu makale Pier Paolo Pasolini’nin son filmi Saló’ya odaklanarak, işkenceyi egemenliğin bir tahakküm aygıtı, devlet terörünün en ‘ayrıcalıklı’ politik...Read more2015Neoliberal ve Militarist Post-PolitikaAnkara: Notabane (Çev: Müge Serin) Neoliberal ve militarist post-politika siyasalı bastırmanın ‘sanatı’dır. Temel amacı çatışmanın, antagonizmanın ve radikal toplumsal değişimin olmadığı...Read more2015Gücül, Edimsel, Devrimci Olay: Gezi İsyanı ÜzerineMülkiye Dergisi 39: 41-60. Gezi İsyanı’nı ele alan çalışmalar her ne kadar kıymetli ve ufuk açıcı olsa da isyanın özellikle bir yönünü ıskalamış gibi görünüyor: gücül ve...Read more2010Bugün nihilizm: Terör ve teröre karşı savaşın kesişmeli sentezi (co-authored with Bülent Diken)Toplum ve Bilim 117, 118-141 Bu makalede, modern bir sorunsal olarak terör ve teröre karşı savaş arasındaki antagonizma, pasif ve radikal nihilizmin iki kesişmeli sentezi olarak tartışılıyor....Read more2008DistantJournal for Cultural Research, 12:3, 281-294, This article attempts to interpret Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s award‐winning film Distant Uzak through a discussion of social and cultural theory. Distant...Read more